Friday 25 July 2014

Review: Lenor Unstoppables

Decided to try the Lenor Unstopables as they were on offer at Asda for £3, I am always willing to try new laundry products as I haven't yet found 'the one' 
Y'know some people have one they swear by? Well not me, until now at least!! I cannot recommend these enough! They smell absolutely amazing! I decided to wash my sofa covers first as they needed a freshen up ( they need it quite regularly with 6 kids ) I popped the recommended capful (16g) into the drum with my regular detergent, switched on and waited! Before the wash had even finished my entire house smelt like i had scented candles lit in every room. A clean fresh smell, not 'chemically' at all, just clean like fresh off the line washing. I didn't add fabric softener in the first wash as I just assumed that this was a replacement product, not a 'booster', however, I did find that softener wasn't necessary with this. My covers came out clean, soft and fresh. It has been 2 weeks now, and still I have visitors comment on how fresh smelling my home is, ask me what 'plug in' I am using. I have since stopped buying plug ins as I feel they are not necessary now. I initially bought these at the offer price, and thought they were a bit pricey even at £3, but I am fully converted and will now be buying these on offer or not. 
I honestly can't recommend these enough, if you are looking for a laundry freshener that delivers its promise, this is the product for you. I believe there are a few scents to chose from, however, the scent I used is called 'fresh'. I can't comment on the others as I haven't had to use a lot of this, but you can squeeze the packaging to test what it smells like. I personally think its 100x better once on fabric but you get a good idea from the squeeze. May seem pricey, but I promise you it is 100% worth ever penny. 
Thank you Lenor Unstopables, for being the first product I have used that actually 'does what it says in the tin'

Friday 4 July 2014

Review: Mamia Ultra-Dry Nappies (size 4)

I had heard a lot about Mamia Nappies, but never really paid much attention. I am a bit of a brand snob when it comes to my precious babies. However, my eldest baby (18 mo ) has started to sleep 7pm-7am and literally every morning has been waking up with his nappy absolutely full. Sometimes even soaked through.
I was close to an Aldi a few days ago and decided to give these Mamia's a try, at£4.49 for 48, I thought it was worth a try at least. If they didn't suit us, they were going to the local food bank so no losses. 
The packaging wasn't cheap & tacky looking, which pleased me because I am the kind of person who will make an initial  judgement on a product based on packaging. (If they don't care how they present thing then they won't really care about the actuall product quality IMO)
(Sorry the pic quality isn't great )

When I opened the packaging I was quite suprised, the actual product was visually attractive, I sort of wasnt expecting that for the price. My little guy was very interested in the waving animals, especially the 'gwaff' (giraffe) 
The Nappy felt very soft (I wasn't expecting that soft either) and flexible. They were pretty easy to get on thanks to the stretchy sides, and the cuffs were close, yet stretchy too. Bonus seen as my son has suffered with chaffing as he moves around a lot in his sleep.

The fit was perfect for my 20lb 18 month old AND my 16lb 7 month old.. Perfect.

Both of my boys stayed dry through the night (and the last 3 nights) and my 17 month old has had no chaffing at all with these nappies. I am so pleased to have found these and they will now be our regular. I honestly believe these to be the best disposable nappies I have ever used in my 10 year, 6 kids of mommy'hood.

Brilliant product. Fantastic price. They do everything you would expect from a nappy and more. They promise 12 hours of dryness and that is exactly what you get.
Give them a try :)
Oh, and I heard 'Mamia' is the name of a whole range of baby products at Aldi, so I am very tempted to give them a try too just as soon as I have used up all the other baby products I have.
I will be sure to review them too :) xx

Thursday 3 July 2014

Review: Extra Strength Vac Freshener ( S.P Toiletries )

I said I will be reviewing everything :D lol x

I decided to write my review on these today, as I have been using them a while now and I think they deserve a little mention on the internet.

They don't really have a 'name' in the way most things do, but I call them 'Hoover Discs', 

'Extra Strength Vac freshener for pet lovers' is what the box says ( as you can see) They're manufactured by a company called S.P Toiletries, who I don't know a thing about. I have being buy in these for a couple of years now, 89p from Homebargains. I have never seen then sold anywhere else and I accidently stumbled across them whilst looking for my then regular vacuum fresherner by Glade.
I was hooked from the very first try :D

You simply remove a disc from the sachet, pop into the vacuum cleaner and ta-da! The very second you switch the Hoover on, the scent seems to fill the whole room! I can't really explain the smell, its kinda floral but not exactly. It's just fresh and clean. The box says replenish with each dust bag or every 6 to 8 weeks, I've never left my vacuum cleaner 6-8 weeks before I emptied it, but maybe 2 weeks max and it has lasted untill then without fading. I have never been disappointed with this product and I would recommend it to anyone. Many a time I have had people ask me what air freshener I'm using and comment on how nice my home smells after I have hoovered the floor that day, and a lot of my friends now use these.
One of the plus point of this, I have 2 little guys still in nappies, and if they have a particularly stinky one ( as they often do ) I sometimes switch on the Hoover for about 30 seconds, open a window a little and the whole room smells fresh again.
So anyone with a stinky vacuum cleaner, who likes a nice clean smelling home, just give them a try.
It says for pet lovers, and although I don't personally have a pet, my mom has a dog and her vacuum NEVER smells like dog! 

Totally worth the price, 89p, 6 sachets and totally does what it's supposed to do.

Brilliant! Thank you S.P toiletries, whoever you are! 

Wednesday 2 July 2014

A bit about me and why I choose to review products!!

I thought it would be good if I let my potential readers know a little about me, and why I will be doing product reviews on this blog...
My name is Aliyah and I am a busy mom of 6 beautiful children.  I am the main shopper for my little (big) family. I got sick of buying products that didn't do what they proclaim to do. That claim to be so good, yet aren't. So I took to the net to read reviews before I chose to buy.
And I don't mean big one off purchases. I mean everything. I just don't have money to waste.
It was all fine and well until I realised that people were not being 100% honest with their reviews. The majority of review I read, the 'reviewer' is, and sometimes quite obviously, exaggerating the product in order to please the 'brand bosses' in the hope of getting a 'freebie' or more 'free products' to review.
This didn't help ME. The consumer. The mother who has to chose wisely for her family. I have six children who I would like to see through university, I would like to pay for their driving lessons and buy them a car for their 18th. I don't have the time or the money to waste on crap promoted by people who are just after free products.  When I make a purchase, I want to get what I pay for...
I don't think I'm tight with money, I have no problem at all choosing the £25 bubble bath over the £1 bubble bath AS LONG AS IT IS WORTH IT..
I don't mind paying the extra money for Cravendale Milk over a cheaper locally sourced milk because it does what it promises to do. My Cravendale Milk tastes nicer, and stays fresher for longer... I like that in a brand. Honesty.
The same way I like honesty in a review yet I just don't seen do find honesty very often.
I believe that the whole intention of a review by a 'regular' consumer, like myself, should be to help the other consumers primarily.
So that is what I shall do!
I do sometimes get freebies & samples, I always give them a try. But most of what I will be reviewing will be what I have bought myself. I will be honest, truthful and try my best to be thorough. If I can help one more family save time & money, that is better spend with/on the family,  then that's my mission completed.
And if I do get a 'freebie' and review it, then rest assured  I will STILL be 100% honest xxx
If you do stumble across this little blog of mine, be sure to say "Hi" and point me in the direction of anything you think I may be interested in. :)
I'm struggling with floor cleaning products at the moment so any HONEST help will be appreciated xx

Aliyah  :) x

My review of the Andrew Barton Salon Professional Paddle Brush ( Argan Oil)

I purchased the Andrew Barton Salon Professional Paddle brush today at Asda.
I like to treat myself to a new brush every now and then and I was quite taken in by the packaging that claims 'intense repair & shine' 
The product claims quite clearly on the packaging, that the 'Bristles release Moroccan Argan Oil'
I did actually laugh when I read that, and wondered how could that be.

On releasing my new brush from its pretty packaging, I was presented with flimsy, cheap looking brush... I was not impressed to say the least. The brush is made of what looks like cheap flimsy plastic. There was obvious glue type markings that suggest absolutely no care was put into the manufacturing of this product. A product that claims to be from a so called 'Professional' range, yet it actually looks like it came out of a SET from Poundland. 

Anyway.. I decided to try it. I was assuming I would get 'Beautiful Shiny Hair' as the packaging claims, and I expected this seen as the 'Bristles release Moroccan Argan Oil'
But no... Nothing. My hair remained how it was before I used the brush and to my horror, a bristle actually dropped out. I must stress that my hair is medium to fine in texture and straight. I had no knots or even minor tangles. I actually had no reason at all to brush my hair and only did so out of eagerness to try this product. 
No shiny beautiful hair that looked like it had been coated with beautiful Argan oil. Just my standard hair.
I definately would not recommend this product to ANYBODY. I wouldn't even buy it if it was in poundland and they had a half price sale.
To charge £8 for a flimsy, cheaply made product that definately DOES NOT do what the packaging claims to do is a disgrace. Take my advice, save yourself from disappointment, and save yourself £7 by going down to your local pound store and buying something that would probably be better than this.

Mr Andrew Barton.. Whoever you are.. I cannot believe you would attach your name to something as sub standard as this. I can't believe that, being a 'proffesional', you would ruin your reputation by producing this kind of tat.
I'm pretty sure its illegal to sell a product with a misleading description, as you clearly have done with this product.

Oh, and before I conclude my review, can I just add, I dropped the hairbrush, once, and this happened....

Cheap. Overpriced. Misleading.

Rant over.