Wednesday 2 July 2014

A bit about me and why I choose to review products!!

I thought it would be good if I let my potential readers know a little about me, and why I will be doing product reviews on this blog...
My name is Aliyah and I am a busy mom of 6 beautiful children.  I am the main shopper for my little (big) family. I got sick of buying products that didn't do what they proclaim to do. That claim to be so good, yet aren't. So I took to the net to read reviews before I chose to buy.
And I don't mean big one off purchases. I mean everything. I just don't have money to waste.
It was all fine and well until I realised that people were not being 100% honest with their reviews. The majority of review I read, the 'reviewer' is, and sometimes quite obviously, exaggerating the product in order to please the 'brand bosses' in the hope of getting a 'freebie' or more 'free products' to review.
This didn't help ME. The consumer. The mother who has to chose wisely for her family. I have six children who I would like to see through university, I would like to pay for their driving lessons and buy them a car for their 18th. I don't have the time or the money to waste on crap promoted by people who are just after free products.  When I make a purchase, I want to get what I pay for...
I don't think I'm tight with money, I have no problem at all choosing the £25 bubble bath over the £1 bubble bath AS LONG AS IT IS WORTH IT..
I don't mind paying the extra money for Cravendale Milk over a cheaper locally sourced milk because it does what it promises to do. My Cravendale Milk tastes nicer, and stays fresher for longer... I like that in a brand. Honesty.
The same way I like honesty in a review yet I just don't seen do find honesty very often.
I believe that the whole intention of a review by a 'regular' consumer, like myself, should be to help the other consumers primarily.
So that is what I shall do!
I do sometimes get freebies & samples, I always give them a try. But most of what I will be reviewing will be what I have bought myself. I will be honest, truthful and try my best to be thorough. If I can help one more family save time & money, that is better spend with/on the family,  then that's my mission completed.
And if I do get a 'freebie' and review it, then rest assured  I will STILL be 100% honest xxx
If you do stumble across this little blog of mine, be sure to say "Hi" and point me in the direction of anything you think I may be interested in. :)
I'm struggling with floor cleaning products at the moment so any HONEST help will be appreciated xx

Aliyah  :) x

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