Wednesday 2 July 2014

My review of the Andrew Barton Salon Professional Paddle Brush ( Argan Oil)

I purchased the Andrew Barton Salon Professional Paddle brush today at Asda.
I like to treat myself to a new brush every now and then and I was quite taken in by the packaging that claims 'intense repair & shine' 
The product claims quite clearly on the packaging, that the 'Bristles release Moroccan Argan Oil'
I did actually laugh when I read that, and wondered how could that be.

On releasing my new brush from its pretty packaging, I was presented with flimsy, cheap looking brush... I was not impressed to say the least. The brush is made of what looks like cheap flimsy plastic. There was obvious glue type markings that suggest absolutely no care was put into the manufacturing of this product. A product that claims to be from a so called 'Professional' range, yet it actually looks like it came out of a SET from Poundland. 

Anyway.. I decided to try it. I was assuming I would get 'Beautiful Shiny Hair' as the packaging claims, and I expected this seen as the 'Bristles release Moroccan Argan Oil'
But no... Nothing. My hair remained how it was before I used the brush and to my horror, a bristle actually dropped out. I must stress that my hair is medium to fine in texture and straight. I had no knots or even minor tangles. I actually had no reason at all to brush my hair and only did so out of eagerness to try this product. 
No shiny beautiful hair that looked like it had been coated with beautiful Argan oil. Just my standard hair.
I definately would not recommend this product to ANYBODY. I wouldn't even buy it if it was in poundland and they had a half price sale.
To charge £8 for a flimsy, cheaply made product that definately DOES NOT do what the packaging claims to do is a disgrace. Take my advice, save yourself from disappointment, and save yourself £7 by going down to your local pound store and buying something that would probably be better than this.

Mr Andrew Barton.. Whoever you are.. I cannot believe you would attach your name to something as sub standard as this. I can't believe that, being a 'proffesional', you would ruin your reputation by producing this kind of tat.
I'm pretty sure its illegal to sell a product with a misleading description, as you clearly have done with this product.

Oh, and before I conclude my review, can I just add, I dropped the hairbrush, once, and this happened....

Cheap. Overpriced. Misleading.

Rant over.

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